Check one, check two … check check. Can you hear me? Hey, we have sound!
I am a writer. I write like I speak … no, not hoarse from all the late nights and cigarettes. I mean fast, frequently, and often at length. Editors have sometimes said that I can write faster than they can read. Since I often write long articles, I have decided to offer another option to take in the information here at … a podcast.
It seems funny to me that this comes directly on the heels of an article I wrote only yesterday about the power of written words. Fortunately, I love to talk, too. Just get me on the phone sometime and see how easily a couple minutes can turn into a couple hours.
I have considered providing a video version of the blog, which I may still do, but an audio podcast has other advantages. Not the least of the advantages is that I can look dreadful and you will never know it unless I tell you. Besides, if you really want to see my face, it is spread liberally across the Internet anyway. It will not be too hard to find.
My podcast will probably not have a whole lot of fancy mixing and sound effects. I do not plan to re-record it over and over to get it just right. If I slurp coffee or choke on a cigarette, I will just leave it there. I am very accustomed to being live on video. I have produced a nine day live webcast from a car, I have webcasted at 170 miles per hour (270 KPH), I have a weekly live social webcast, and even chased down tornadoes on live video. I should be able to hold it together for a tiny little podcast without embarrassing myself too greatly, right?
I invite you to check out the podcast. I plan to record one to cover each blog article. I hope you will enjoy the flexibility and I welcome your input.
Smart Slate Interactive Teaching ToolYou may be surprised what the Smart Slate WS200, the Smart Airliner wireless slate, and other interactive slates have in common. I will tell you a bit about these products, but what they share in common is more than you will likely see on the surface. First, I want to tell you about a couple of really useful technology tools that you may see more of in the future.
Smart Slate WS200 and Smart Airliner are each teaching tools by Smart Technologies which allow a teacher to work interactively with a classroom using a Smart Board interactive whiteboard. The Smart Board was introduced in 1991, but this product and other similar types of tools are still building steam as groups seek ways to work more interactively.
This is really neat technology that we did not have when I was a kid. The school can provide students with a wireless slate that allows students and teachers to interactively share things on a whiteboard at the front of the class. Smart Slate and Smart Board interactive whiteboards are designed to increase classroom productivity and allow for better interactive sharing of ideas and solutions.
Think of the possibilities for the Smart Slate. They can be used in boardrooms, think tanks, classrooms, and other places where simplified idea sharing and extra productivity are needed. We each have a limited amount of time, and tools that help to make our time in a group more productive are very worthwhile.
Commonalities of Smart Slate WS200 and Smart Airliner Wireless Slates
I said I would tell you what these things have in common, other than the obvious similarities of manufacturer (Smart Technologies), and their potential productivity enhancements. So here it is, the unseen commonality of these items is that each of them perform better with good SEO.
Come on, you should have seen that coming. This is an Internet marketing blog with a focus on search engine optimization and social media marketing. It was a natural conclusion, but why did I decide to blog about it? I will give you two reasons.
First Reason to Blog About Smart Technologies Interactive Smart Slates: I think the products are cool. They are not paying me, and I do not have any new or refurbished Smart Board whiteboards, Smart Slate WS200, or Smart Airliners to sell or rent. If my kids’ school PTO has a fundraiser to buy whiteboards, I may hit you up to buy some cookies or come to a school bake sale, but other than that, keep your wallet in your pocket … I am not selling you anything.
Second Reason to Blog About Smart Technologies Interactive Smart Slates: OK, I listed it as the second, but it ranks right up there somewhere above second. I realized that this is one of the many products offered by a company I will meet with in a few hours. As I started drilling into their offerings, I saw that this is one that I like, and one which is dreadfully under-represented in search results. The question this begs is not of whether this product line is good or not, but rather why in the name of everything good and wholesome did nobody really take this market seriously enough to get these in every classroom?
Why did I need another one of these articles to show people that a good search engine optimizer with a boot full of piss standing in a puddle of vinegar can outrank a whole industry in search engines? Well, I suppose that it is because I have a boot full of piss and a puddle of vinegar all around me. I was full of these things, until I leaked. Sometimes I just want to scream at the top of my lungs when I find that somebody does not grasp the value of being able to type out an article and watch it start attracting search visitors within 5-10 minutes after clicking publish. What happens if a company did this often? Wouldn’t it seem that if they could top search engines for just five to ten search terms per day by providing relevant and useful information that it would eventually add up to something really big? Yes, I think so, too. That is why I will walk into a meeting in a few hours and be able to say “this is why you need SEO” and hope that the company CEO will trust that what I tell (and show) him are valuable.
SEO Guarantees You Can MeasureThe search engine optimization (SEO) industry has attracted a lot of bad search engine optimizers. For a good SEO, there is a lot of money involved. Wherever there is a lot of money, there is usually a lot of fraud, too. It can be really hard for the average person to know the difference between good seo and bad seo.
I know it is not only me who gets the offers in my email each day offering guaranteed top ten results at Google. I manage a lot of websites, and nearly each of them will receive offers for guaranteed SEO results. I even get these offers for sites that I intentionally exclude from search engine indexing, which makes it pretty clear these guys don’t know much about targeting their market … they just have an email address. They claim to guarantee top ten results, but top ten for what search? I guess that would be pretty easy for keyword phrases like “unicorn hunting expedition”, but what about the stuff that really pays off? What about the things that create more business for the client, and not just a buck for the SEO?
SEO Guarantees Should Be Objective
A guarantee without an objective measurement, that is reasonably guaranteed to be achievable, and is guaranteed to be of value, is no guarantee at all. However, that is the type of guarantee people get suckered into all the time with SEO. It is a good reminder that it is really easy for people without integrity to make false claims. It is a constant challenge for me to try and understand why people so often believe lies more than they believe the truth about Internet marketing. They only see the bold print with great claims, but their eyes glaze over when it comes to the fine print or when common sense is necessary. You know, like the common sense that kicks in and tells you “it sounds too good to be true.”
I want to share seven legitimate SEO guarantees that are based on objective third party measurements that are very achievable by any SEO worth the water their body is made of. These are guarantees that actually have meaning, because they are measurable and not subject to individual interpretation, and they place specific responsibility on the SEO.
SEO Guarantee Number One: Website SEO Readiness
Measuring website readiness for SEO can be performed in many ways. It seems that a lot of non-SEO people do not realize how objective this can be. There are a lot of very specific deal-breakers that can preclude a website from high search ranking, and they can be measured very objectively. I will give you just a couple of examples.
Website Grader by HubSpot: HubSpot is a company that provides tools to help companies measure and improve their website and social media reach. As a side note, it is actually kind of funny that if you search Google for HubSpot SEO or HubSpot social media, or a bunch of other terms related to their services, you can find my thorn in their side. I have given HubSpot a hard time in the past, but they really do have some good products to measure a website’s preparedness for SEO.
Website Grader analyzes a website based on preparedness for SEO mixed with its traffic level. A legitimate SEO guarantee based on a set ranking on Website Grader is something achievable to the SEO, because it will provide details of what to improve, and it is objective data from a third party. If the SEO guarantees a HubSpot Website Grader score of 98 within 60 days, it is something that is both measurable and readily achievable to even an average SEO. Try it for yourself and see where your site ranks. If you want to improve it to 98+ within 60 days, your SEO should be able to make a legitimate guarantee. This particular site is presently ranked at 99.7, and it did not require any rocket surgery. Click the badge to see a sample report for my blog.
Google Webmaster Tools: I have previously pointed out that Google wants to index your website. Providing relevant listings for searches has everything to do with how Google makes money. They provide a lot of help for making websites more search engine ready, because it helps them meet their business objectives.
Google Webmaster Tools provides objective information to help website owners measure and maintain the SEO preparedness of their website. This provides a measurement that any SEO should be able to guarantee, legitimately. I will include a couple screenshots to show SEO standards that any SEO should be able to achieve, maintain, and guarantee.
The appropriate SEO guarantee in the instance of Google Webmaster Tools is clear and very simple to track. It is also very achievable to any SEO that has been in the business more than three weeks.
SEO Guarantee Number Two: Traffic Measurement
There are a lot of ways to measure website traffic. There are many different value metrics such as number of unique visitors, time on page, bounce rate, traffic sources (keywords, referring websites, etcetera), new vs. returning website visitors, and more. If a guarantee is to count, it must be well defined and based on historical data compared to new data.
A legitimate guarantee that the SEO can make in traffic measurement could include ongoing work in specific increments until certain goals have been met. For example, if the goal was to increase search traffic by 300 percent and keep the time on page above four minutes, the SEO will provide (and log) no less than ten hours per week in services until that goal is reached. That would be a reasonable guarantee. If the SEO wants to get to work on other projects, he or she will probably work pretty hard to be sure the goal is met without delay.
SEO Guarantee Number Three: Alexa, Quantcast, Etc.
Ranking at Alexa, Quantcast, Nielsen, and etcetera is another form of traffic measurement that is more important to websites focused on selling advertising than their own products or services. These rankings have often been contentious, and many people will argue their validity due to possibilities for falsified or fraudulent results. However, it is hard to argue that the SEO has not done a good job if a website’s ranking in two or more of these services has made significant improvements, especially if they each produce results that are in agreement.
If the SEO chooses to guarantee increases in these rankings, it can be beneficial to measure more than one of them simultaneously. A guarantee of ranking in the top “X” sites on each of these services could mean the SEO will provide the amount of increase at a specific cost and continually log efforts until the goals are reached. If the SEO priced it too low, their guarantee is to keep providing work, and proof of that work, until your objective is reached. An incentive to the SEO for higher than promised results is often an additional guarantee of another sort. It guarantees the SEO will be excited to work on your project.
SEO Guarantee Number Four: Increased Incoming Links
Incoming links pointing to your website is the most desirable and effective way to achieve higher search engine rankings. Because of its importance, it is also one of the most abused areas of SEO. The most common scams I see are from crooked SEO selling useless links. Many SEO will promise you a squillion new incoming links to your website, but what they do not tell you is they are largely links from domains that are penalized by all major search engines for being “link farms” and can actually do more harm than good. It is why this kind of search engine optimizer will generally have their own website penalized and cannot produce a single example of a website where they have created a large number of useful incoming links.
If any SEO guarantees to produce “X” number of incoming links, you should see it as a big red flag. On the other hand, if they guarantee a given MozRank increase based on high quality links, it had better come with some pretty serious content production. That means producing the kind of website content that will attract people to share your article in social media, reference it in their blog, or submit it to Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, and others. Any SEO promising links simply by adding your web address to blog comments, forum posts, and link farms is likely to hurt your business in other ways, too. If you want to know how to create incoming links, read this article titled “SEO Backlinks: Why Most SEO Fail at Link Building“.
Links are not created equally, and some are not only worthless but even harmful. Any SEO guarantee including link building should be based on measurements of link value and not just link volume. A reputable measure of link value may be found using SEOmoz Linkscape or Open Site Explorer (example report). Of course, there is also Google PageRank, but a good SEO knows that PageRank is not a good measurement tool, and it is old and unreliable data.
A reasonable guarantee for the SEO to offer is to produce and promote useful content on your website and continue until it reaches your set goal. This is another example of an SEO guarantee that places responsibility on the SEO to work for their money.
SEO Guarantee Number Five: Increased Search Phrases
The number of unique search phrases that bring you traffic can be a useful measure of overall performance. I do not mean measuring the number of search phrases where you appear in results, but rather the number of search phrases that actually brought visitors to your website. It can indicate that your site is being more thoroughly indexed, and that its overall search engine health is improving. If your site was visited as a result of only 500 unique search terms in one month but then visited as a result of 5,000 search terms the next month and 10,000 the following month, it is a pretty good indicator that things are going well.
This is a very measurable metric that has meaning, but for the purpose of a solid guarantee, it should be measured alongside the number of unique visitors to your website. You know, for the skeptic to be sure the SEO is not running a script to falsify the results.
A good SEO guarantee based on the increase in search phrases could be something such as additional increments of services being logged by the SEO until “X” percent increase in unique search phrases and “Y” percent associated increase in unique visitors.
SEO Guarantee Number Six: Solid Marketing Plan
This is a preemptive guarantee that is a hard one for a lot of people to really grasp as a truly measurable guarantee … but it is! Many people will look at SEO as a commodity that is produced the same by every search engine optimizer, and is just a set of basic tasks we perform the same for each client. This is not how it actually works, but it is why I receive many visitors searching for SEO hourly rates (google it for yourself).
I recently wrote about the relationship of marketing cost vs. marketing value, and the truth is that if you want all the pieces to fit just right, you should plan to make a sizable investment. This is because a good SEO will be making a sizable investment of time and knowledge to help you achieve your business objectives. As you can perhaps see here and throughout my blog, there are a lot of tasks to perform in reaching good search engine results. The specific work of my industry is not the same for any two companies, which is why a properly outlined plan can be the greatest SEO guarantee of all.
The lack of a solid marketing plan is a guarantee to fail. If the SEO provides a well-formed contract outlining the discovery process, proposed execution of tasks, and reporting of outcomes, it is likely the best guarantee that you will get what you pay for. When it is carefully planned out, high quality SEO can become the greatest asset to a company, topping the chart for online success tools. It can take a company to a whole new level and send their profitability and market share through the roof.
SEO Guarantee Number Seven: Inaction Guarantee
Number seven is the SEO guarantee grandfather of them all. I guarantee that there are a lot of websites returned in a search for what you offer. If you do not take action to optimize your position, or you lack the proper actions, you will miss a lot of potential business. That is a guarantee worth betting on. If the SEO has a strong track record and will make specific guarantees like the ones suggested here, you will risk a lot more lost money by inaction than if the SEO took your money and split for a country without extradition.
Local Search Marketing Made EasyI recently visited with a local search engine optimization (SEO) client who did not understand the value of blogging about things outside his local market and having items of global interest on his website. He believed that focusing more on things local to him were of the highest importance. It got me to thinking that a lot of people with a local marketing focus may have similar belief. I want to shed a little light on the subject and explain why globally appealing content can create huge benefits to local search results.
Since I have been in my industry for well over a decade, I sometimes forget to break things down and make them really simple for those who are less familiar with my work. That is what I want to do today. I will try to make this easy to understand.
Local Search Marketing Made Easy
I notice a lot of people trying really hard to accomplish local search marketing goals by focusing on website content about local topics. These things have their place, but a common mistake I find is people attempting to tap into the same local resources that all of their competitors are using. It is a sad shame that many of these people are just wasting a lot of time imitating failure.
If you want to know an easier way to improve local search marketing results, try looking outside of your back yard and appeal to people on a broader basis. With a global audience on your side, beating the local competition is easy.
Website Authority is Authority, Wherever the Location
When you produce information on your website that is relevant to your industry, whether in your local market or globally, it enhances your authority. It can do this in a number of ways. It gives more potential terms that people can search for and find your website, but you just want the local ones … I get that. I understand how you could think that somebody finding your website in an outside market may not seem very useful, but it is! It is extremely useful, and in fact, even more useful than all the locally focused content put together.
You may wonder why this is the case. Simply put, information with broader and less localized appeal will help to enhance and grow the incoming links to your website. This means links that point to your website from other websites. Links create quantifiable authority by showing search engines that other people see you as a quality point of reference. Now you may wonder how the broader appeal will build valuable links to your website. I will explain.
Local Content Means Local Links, But You Need Diversity!
If you spend much of your effort trying to focus only on local matters and excluding the rest of the world, you are making a costly mistake. You may find some people linking to your website, but it will be far less diverse, and far less beneficial than a wider global reach. Sure, a link from your local newspaper or television station is great, and it will certainly give emphasis to your location, but location is not the real battle here. It is easy to show where you are, but you need to be an authority in what you do and not just where you are.
With too much focus on location, you will be less likely to find people linking to your website from all around the world, and geographical diversity of incoming links matters … it matters a lot! The way you get this to happen is by producing things with a widespread appeal that will be picked up by bloggers looking for a resource to cite, users in forums looking for a link to reference a given topic, and other social media users who like your message enough to share it. This will only happen if it has relevance to them. If you focus on local issues that hold little relevance outside your market area, you are neglecting these people who may otherwise share the information with others. They will share it with others by using links to your website.
Do Incoming Links Really Matter?
I think a lot of people will underestimate the importance of the links pointing to their website. The value of these incoming links is not the people who click on them, but rather the search engines that follow those links and add them all up to determine your overall authority within your industry. If you want to know how to do the equivalent of killing a grizzly bear with a looseleaf notebook, you better stick around and read the article titled “SEO Backlinks: Why Most SEO Fail at Link Building“ When you have enough backlinks (links pointing to your website from other websites), you can put just about anything you want on your website and expect it to rank highly in search engines … local or not. For example, if you search Google for “unicorn hunting expedition” you will easily find my blog right on top. Similarly, if you Google “unicorn hunting expedition Topeka” I am still right there where my local market can find me.
Search Engines Know Your Location
Another factor of local search that should never be overlooked is that search engines pay attention to where you are located when you perform a search. When people search for something that has a lot of local results, all other things being equal, the local results will be given preference. Most search engine users do not override the local search settings of Google and other search engines, and many do not even know they exist. This is just another reason that you will do well to focus on useful and creative content that appeals beyond your back door. Again, I will remind you that you need to show authority in what you do, rather than trying to build emphasis of where you are located.
I welcome your comments here on my blog, or you may respond privately if you are feeling shy.
Who is Your Google Target?Have you ever taken a moment to consider what people are really looking for when they come to your website? Of course you have, right? Maybe you have tried some keyword research tools and done your best to discover as many lateral keywords as you can possibly optimize. What may be surprising is how many customers you are missing, and the relatively simple reasons why. I want to give you some Google website marketing ideas for how to improve your website traffic, and optimize the traffic you already have.
Let’s take a look at two types of website traffic that come from a Google search. I will call them “first-search” and “second-search” website traffic. Both are important, but most companies are too focused on one to even recognize the other. Their loss may be your gain!
Website Visitors Google What They Want!
I see a lot of companies scramble to be found in a Google search for what they sell, without enough consideration for the real reasons people are searching. I wish I had a dollar for every time somebody told me “we are in Google” and they think that is what matters. They may even be well ranked in Google for their product or service, and still be missing a huge number of potential sales. This often happens because much of their website traffic is from second-search users (I will explain in a moment) and competitors searching to check out the competition. I don’t know about you, but in a lot of industries, the competition is not the best target customer. Now, that is not true for every industry, because other SEO and Internet marketers are good clients for me (SEOs see “How To Market SEO and Vertical Internet Marketing“). I actually want to be a great resource to my “competition”, but for most people wanting to improve website traffic, the competition is not their best target.
Improve Website Traffic Through First Search Not Second Search
What is this “first search” and “second search” thing that I am writing about? An important Internet marketing factor that a lot of people do not measure or understand is that many people who search for something perform multiple types of searches. I will just give two main categories to explain this. I will call them “first-search” and “second-search”.
First-Search Website Traffic: First-search traffic comes when people search for what they want. If their toe hurts, they may search for “big blister on toe” as a first search. It helps them get direction. They want to know what to do with that big blister, and maybe what caused it. They are researching. They are not quite sure yet just what they want or need, but they are trying to find their way. Once they know their way and learn the industry-popular terminology and can refine a search, then they will use a second-search approach to filter through the available solutions.
Second-Search Website Traffic: If you are a podiatrist (foot doctor), you may feel that it is just great that they can find you when they search for a podiatrist, but what if you caught them in the first search? Wouldn’t it be more likely that if they found you in the first-search category that they will see you as a greater authority when they discover you again in the second-search? Then, once they figure out they need a podiatrist you will be a more likely choice to help them. Doesn’t this seem like a great idea to be an authority in both searches? Of course that makes sense, but do you think you are accomplishing the task? For most people, the answer is no. This includes your competitors.
Increased website traffic and better Google rankings are not the only things that matter. I could go into the topics of search conversion (getting more people to click on your website once they find you in Google listings) and website conversion (getting more people to take action once they are on your website). Those are both great topics for other articles, but what I want you to think about here is how to improve website traffic by answering people’s problems. In order to solve their problem, you will have to look at the core of your business. What do you do? I don’t mean looking at it as “practicing podiatry” but rather “we help people with sore toes who want something to help toe pain.”
As you notice the heading of this page states, “Google Website Marketing: How to Improve Website Traffic” and that is what I am here to tell you. “Google website marketing” is my example of first-search traffic, and it reaches my equivalent of a person with a sore toe. Once they learn more about my industry-specific terminology, they refine their search to compare solutions. For example, “reasons to blog” or “compare SEO” may be second-search considerations, because now they have a better feel for what they need.
Improve Website Traffic by Knowing Your Return Visitors
There is often a huge disparity between what a company hopes people will search for and what actually creates more business. I find that for many companies, even when they know what people search for, they often only mimic the competition by targeting the second-search users. They know that these second-search users become customers, but often ignore whether they are actually returning visitors who found them previously. Any business should target people who search for their product … the actual things that they sell. It just makes sense. What is too commonly missed is the website visitors who are actually returning first-search users, or otherwise knowing where they have been before they came to you. They may have been highly influenced long before the search term that you recognize as important. Imagine the value in knowing what they looked for the first time and honing in on those search terms. All of this is measurable, but many people just overlook the importance.
If you analyze your web server logs, your Google analytics, or other website analytics tool to find what people search for when they find your website for the first time and match it with the returning traffic, it may surprise you. Sometimes a better target is to reach people searching for the solution to a problem. Then, if you do not make them a customer in the first-search, you can be there for the second-search when they want to compare you to the competition. Analyzing your website traffic logs and giving close attention to returning website visitors can tell you a lot about what drives people to buy from you. If you are not paying attention and taking appropriate actions, you will miss a whole lot of customers.
A Real-Life First-Search and Second-Search Example
Many people find my websites for things like “compare SEO“, “lateral keywords“, “h1 tags“, and “Google SEO Starter Guide“. I rank nicely in searches for the things I do. However, I often find that some of my best clients came from first searches that were less industry-oriented, but then returned to my website as a result of a much more sophisticated search that shows they have done their homework. Reaching these readers in the first-search phase and repeatedly being there through their learning process is invaluable to me. Monitoring for these trends is important.
Maybe you rank nicely for your industry terms, too, but it is sometimes not the things that you do or sell that your best buyers will initially find you for in a Google search. If you improve your first-search exposure, you may find it a lot easier to reach the second-search buyers.