Today is Thanksgiving Day here in USA, and I am feeling very thankful. I hope that you are feeling thankful, too. When you consider the things to be thankful for in your life, it is nice to set aside all of that other stuff that diverts you from what matters the most.
I am thankful for many things, and I am going to share this with you and hope you can relate to it. This is not my typical blog article about social media, but it does include a very happy social media success story.
I began thinking about thankfulness and things which affect me and make me better. The list of thanks I owe is longer than I can dare to write in this short time I have while I prepare for my family’s Thanksgiving Day feast. I just want to distill this to my short list of things which really matter the most.
Good Reasons for Thanks: The People
Thanks for Family:
Above all, I must list my family. I have been blessed with a loving and devoted wife and three healthy and happy children. They are the kindest people I ever met, and beyond question, they are the best things in my life. They make me feel real, and they provide me with amazing joy from even the simplest things. I really cannot define the love this family brings to me, but it is my greatest source of joy and inspiration.
Thanks for Friends:
I am thankful for my many friends who bless my life each day. Some of them frequently have coffee or lunch with me, while some of them are thousands of miles away. Some of my friends counsel me when I need advice and caring, while some of them accept my counsel when they need advice and caring. Some of them have never shaken my hand or looked me in the eye, but yet, they are there every day … standing strong and carrying a flag for me.
Some of these friends I mention may not even receive very much attention from me, and they often know far more specifics about me than I know about them. All the while, these are people who drive me to do more, care more, and think more about every little thing I do. I thank these friends very warmly for this, and I hope that I may repay you in some way.
Thanksgiving Social Media Success Story
Today marks the 10th Thanksgiving holiday I will spend with my wife. In those ten years since we met right here on the Internet by way of social media, our lives have been blessed in ways which I could only describe as “astonishing”. The most astonishing of all is the people.
As you give thanks on this holiday, I hope that you will give some thought to these words. Without those people in each of our lives … and even those on the perimeter of our lives, we would not be the same. On the other end of that social media communication is another person who may be more important to your life than you credit them with.
Every Thanksgiving Turkey Has a Wishbone
Every turkey has a wishbone. My wish has not come into precise words for me just yet as I consider pulling on that wishbone. What I know for sure is that the things which matter the most for me are those people in my life, in every capacity, who drive me to carry on and always keep getting better. The people are my greatest cause for thanks, today, and that includes you! My wish may not name you specifically, but you are most certainly included.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day!