Even if you already provide marketing services, you should enjoy this opportunity. I have something to offer that should be pretty hard to pass up. It’s worth a good amount of money to you, so you can take a few minutes for this. Settle down and stop clicking for something that isn’t there … Read this!
If you just don’t have room for any more money, give it to charity if you like. I don’t care what you do with it, but I want to send it to you anyway.
I’m offering a minimum $1,000 reward for referring paying customers for my marketing services. I said minimum, and I meant it. If you want to pick up an extra $5,000 … $10,000 … or more, I welcome you to it. Here is the short version, but I’ll give you some more details below.
- $1,000 minimum (or 20 percent, whichever is more) of the initial contract amount for any referral that I accept as a new client … even for a one-time engagement.
- $1,000 monthly (or 20 percent, whichever is more) for the life of the engagement for any referral leading to an ongoing contract of three months or more.
Who I’m Paying to Meet
You probably know somebody who is not reaching their potential with their marketing. Those are the people I want to speak with. I’m delighted to pay you for introducing me to them. I’d rather spend my marketing budget for results than for efforts. Efforts don’t build business … results do. That’s why I’ll pay you to increase my results.
I realize that a lot of people are very reluctant and afraid to do what it takes to market their business the way it deserves to be marketed. It is a very big and confusing world out there on the Internet, and let’s face it, there are a lot of people lying about online marketing. I refuse to be one of them, but it comes with a downside.
I don’t take on every thirteen dollar client waving their life’s savings around. I only work with people who are willing and prepared to do what it really takes to bring success to their company. That means I don’t fool around with fools … I work with people who are ready for results, and I work hard for my clients. I just don’t want to pull my hair out finding those people. They are few and far between, and marketing the services of spectacular marketing takes the right people. That’s what I’m going to pay you for!
Find Out Who’s Paying You!
I could ramble about a whole lot of results, but before you go sending your friend over to check me out, I expect you to know who you’re referring them to. I hope you’ll take the initiative to find out who is offering you thousands of dollars, and get to know that I am very credible in the areas of targeted strategic marketing, search engine optimization, and social media marketing.
Yes, I am a very experienced and creative marketing guy, but finding the best clients in the online marketing industry is like searching for a frog hair in a fiberglass factory. I sort through a lot of people rubbing their magic lamp and hoping for a genie, but a much smaller number of people are ready and able to put a signed check in my hand for the results they want and need. Many people want their fill of that sexy bacon flavored stuff that comes out when I rub a couple brain cells together, but that comes with money.
To make this fun for both of us, I am offering you a generous reward to help me find that special “frog hair in the fiberglass factory”. I want the ones who want the benefits that an experienced SEO and social media marketing guy can provide.
Why I Want to Pay You Money
I got tired of selling my services a long time ago. I love my job, and I love how much it helps companies to become more profitable. I have a strong history in this area. My job helps companies to grow, and it helps more people keep their jobs. What’s not to love about that?
Here’s the challenge … there are about a squillion people out there lying to themselves and others about online marketing. I can’t sit here and filter through every person who comes to me hoping to get rich quick with a tiny little investment. That’s why I want to pay you to bring them to me.
The Details Are Simple
The details are very easy: If you introduce me to a special someone who is ready to take their marketing to a new level of success, all you have to do is lead them to contact me. That’s it … they just have to call or email me, and if they end up signing on for my services, the money is yours! Here’s what I’m offering:
- $1,000 minimum (or 20 percent, whichever is more) of the initial contract amount for any referral that I accept as a new client … even for a one-time engagement.
- $1,000 monthly (or 20 percent, whichever is more) for the life of the engagement for any referral leading to an ongoing contract of three months or more.
When do you get the money? I am sure you were thinking that, right? I will pay the reward within fifteen days of my acceptance of the paid contract. Monthly reward money will be paid each month within fifteen days of the client’s payments.
You can introduce me by email, telephone, blog about it, tweet about it, direct them to my resume, or whatever you like. You only have to be the one who brought them to contact me, and the money is yours. If you refer somebody that you believe is a good prospective customer, just fill out the form below to email me their name and company before they contact me, so I know to give you credit.
I track everything, and the Internet is great for that, so if I can find any way to credit you for the sale, I’m going to do it. Of course, it would be pretty dumb of me to cheat somebody who can bring me new business, but maybe you’re skeptical. That’s why I encourage you to refer people you know, and follow up with them. If you want to be sure I’m not cheating you, keep in touch with the person you referred and ask them if our discussions led to a contract.
Don’t worry … this will be really easy for me to measure, because I don’t take on a lot of clients. I limit my services to less than five clients at any given time. That’s why I compare them to finding frog hairs in a fiberglass factory.
Of course, I’m not going to pay out for anybody I’ve already been in communications with, so don’t go trying to refer my existing clients to me. Anybody else is fair game, though, so get your thinking cap on.
This offer is limited by my availability, so if I get too booked to handle it, I’ll let you know right here. For right now, this offer is on and I’m ready to start paying thousands!
If you have any questions, don’t be shy! Call me at *REDACTED DUE TO AGING WEBSITE* (*REDACTED DUE TO AGING WEBSITE*), email me, or use the live chat below to reach me any time.
Tell or ask me anything.
Live Chat With Mark: Where it says “Type here”, below … type there. If I am busy, I will respond as soon as I become available. Be sure to leave me instructions on how to reach you.