Reciprocal Link Exchanges Don’t Work!

Reciprocal Link Exchange Bullseye
Reciprocal Link Exchange Bullseye

I decided to title this article “Reciprocal Link Exchanges Don’t Work”. Perhaps even more appropriately, what I really mean is that reciprocal link exchanges are fool’s work.

Of course, I also know what people are more likely to search for after some crooked or inexperienced SEO (search engine optimizer) runs off with their money and leaves them with worse results than they started. So that is what I am here to explain. Join in the discussion if you have the need to defend your reciprocal link exchange strategy after reading this.

I know this may put a huge bullseye on my forehead with the slimier side of the SEO industry, but I say “bring it on!” Show me your best reciprocal link exchange, and I will show you foolishly exhaustive efforts with lackluster results.

I am not saying that it is a bad thing to cross-link websites, because sometimes there can be a synergy created. It can be useful in a limited few cases, but reciprocal link exchange is a very weak link building strategy. In fact, it is far more common for reciprocal link exchanges to be counterproductive. I’ll bet the last SEO you talked to didn’t tell you that.

Why Reciprocal Link Exchanges Exist

Links are the single most important and effective means to help your website rank highly in search engines. The links pointing to a website are used by search engines to measure the authority of a website overall, and for a given topic.

There are a lot of important contributors to high search engine ranking, but incoming links are the biggest factor. The structure and content of a website is extremely important, but without links pointing to all of that greatness, it will never rank well for competitive search phrases.

Because of the importance of incoming links, link exchanges have become the focus for many novice search engine optimizers and website owners who just don’t know how much they don’t know. Link exchanges fuel enough failed SEO link building efforts that if we could turn that into electricity, we could light a small country.

There are at least a squillion people out there trying to sell you links and trade links with you. If they have not reached you yet, it is because you don’t have any links. Once you have links to your website, and especially if you have a high Google PageRank, they will come to you in droves! All I have to do is check my email spam folder to find at least a thousand requests to exchange links or to hire some self-proclaimed “expert” to handle all of those link exchanges for me.

Reciprocal Link Exchange Motivation

I told you a bit of the motivation behind people wanting to exchange links with you, but what motivated me to write this? Maybe you think I am just trying to stand my industry on it’s ear, or maybe you will just think I am trying to mislead you. Yes, perhaps I am just trying to fool you in order to keep the SEO mystique alive, and try to cover up the truth about SEO. Maybe this whole “reciprocal link exchange” thing really is the big secret to SEO.

Just in case you are truly skeptical about this, I offer you this quote directly from Google Webmaster Central.

Your site’s ranking in Google search results is partly based on analysis of those sites that link to you. The quantity, quality, and relevance of links count towards your rating. The sites that link to you can provide context about the subject matter of your site, and can indicate its quality and popularity. However, some webmasters engage in link exchange schemes and build partner pages exclusively for the sake of cross-linking, disregarding the quality of the links, the sources, and the long-term impact it will have on their sites. This is in violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and can negatively impact your site’s ranking in search results. Examples of link schemes can include:

  • Links intended to manipulate PageRank
  • Links to web spammers or bad neighborhoods on the web
  • Excessive reciprocal links or excessive link exchanging (“Link to me and I’ll link to you.”)
  • Buying or selling links that pass PageRank

Of course, there are a lot of people who will say that Google is lying, too. The complete failure of that logic is that it is contrary to Google’s own interest to lie about how to rank well in their search engine. Google wants to include your website in their results, and they work hard to try and help website owners to do the right thing. If you still feel skeptical, please read this article titled “Brandon’s Baseball Cards and Google SEO Starter Guide” which explains Google’s motivation, and their efforts to help you.

If you really want more links, do something useful, creative, or otherwise more like sex and bacon. Take it from Google’s head of webspam, Matt Cutts. Here is a video of Matt talking about building links.

Matt Cutts (and common sense) said this: the best links are earned and given by choice. Unless common sense is a totally worthless concept, what Matt said still holds true today, tomorrow, and always.

Reciprocal Link Exchange Foolishness

I will write more about link building soon, but I want to offer you some thoughts about links. If it was really as easy as just trading reciprocal links and submitting your website to search engines and directories, don’t you think the usefulness would wear off? If there was a way to cheat search engines, don’t you think they would fix the problem?

Maybe you heard that the magical fix is to use indirect, three way link exchanges. If you buy into that, you still have the wrong mindset of trying to shortcut the best practices. I mean the practices which work within the guidelines of a well organized system of both technology and people.

Consider that if you are seeking a link exchange with another website, who do you expect it to benefit the most … your website, or the other website? That’s right, you want it to benefit you more than the other guy. Now, when people come to you seeking a link exchange, don’t you think their answer is the same?

Links Are Not Equal in Value

According to Google Webmaster Tools, this blog you are reading has just a little over 50,000 links pointing to it. It is a small number compared to a lot of projects I work on, but large compared to a lot of one-person blogs. The number is not the part which matters the most, and not the point I want to make. They are not all “awesometacular” links from “amazinglicious” websites, but there is not a single one of them that comes by way of a reciprocal link exchange. These links exist because I concentrate on providing value to people first, and search engines second.

Not a Single Link Exchange!
Not a Single Link Exchange!

Links are not created equally. I could demonstrate this in about as many ways as I can chug a beer, and I am Irish, so that is a lot. Only a limited percentage of the links to any website will provide significant value. As an example of this, just compare the more than 50,000 links referenced in Google Webmaster Tools to the 8,774 which are measured by the respected SEOmoz Open Site Explorer. A huge number of the 50K links are not even visible by most measures. That is the same kind of links that comprise the vast majority of reciprocal link exchanges! Links Measured by Open Site Explorer Links Measured by Open Site Explorer

Consider the the ratio of quality links created “organically” because somebody saw value in your website, compared to “junk” links. If you can measure it, don’t you think a search engine such as Google can as well?

Facebook Page Changes and New Settings You Should Know!

New Facebook Page Settings
New Facebook Page Settings
If you have a Facebook Page for your business, you probably already noticed that Facebook has made some changes. Most of it may seem pretty basic, but there are a few things you should know before you just dismiss it as a new design. There are settings you should review, and also some information that Facebook seems to have lost.

When Facebook profiles changed, starting back in late 2010, I was not entirely thrilled, but I adapted. I got used to it quickly, and I like the improved layout.

Facebook certainly caught many people off guard by placing employer links prominently in profiles, but as usual, we Facebook users have adapted. We are resilient, and even when we don’t like the changes, we push through it, and usually find some things we like.

The latest changes from Facebook are easier to take, and it was designed to make the transition between profiles and pages very easy for users. Just as always, the changes require a look at your settings to be sure everything is working as desired. This is why the most important thing you should look for when you upgrade to the new Facebook Page layout is the “Edit Page” button.

The topics I want to address here are the ones I think may catch users off guard, are useful, or a cause of concerns for people holding off upgrading until Facebook forces the change in March. The topics I will cover are as follows:

  • Facebook Page As a Profile
  • Facebook Page Default Wall Display
  • Facebook Page Default Landing Tab
  • Change Facebook Page Category
  • Facebook Page Featured Likes and Owners
  • Editing Your Facebook Page Settings: Summary

Facebook Page As a Profile

Use Facebook as Page
Use Facebook as Page
One of the profound changes to your Facebook Page is that you may now use it as a profile. That caught me off guard, because it was something I wished for. Now, when you interact around the web, you can choose to use your profile as usual, or you can interact as your Facebook page.

What mattered more to me is the ability to switch to using your page as a profile in order to view other pages you have “liked” as a news feed, just like you would view your news feed of friends. This provides a much easier view of updates from other business pages you interact with. It also means that they will be able to keep up with you even easier, too!

Facebook made it really simple to switch between interacting with your personal profile or as your page “on the fly”, without logging out and logging back in. If you manage multiple pages, it will allow you to select which page you wish to use, and switch between them easily.

Important: When you post to your own Facebook Page (with the new Page upgrade), you must switch to use Facebook as a page to post. Otherwise, your updates will be posted from your Profile and not as the Page. If your default wall display is set to show “Only Posts by Page”, your updates will not appear in the default view.

Facebook Page Default Wall Display

Without a doubt, there will be people caught off guard with this change to their Facebook Page. Facebook Page administrators have always been able to select their wall settings, including whether it will default to showing posts from “Everyone” or “Only Posts by Page”. Facebook seems to have lost this setting, so it will be wise to check yours. What I found with each of my pages was that they were all set to “Everyone” when I upgraded to the new version.

This is important to a lot of companies, and although it can be fine to allow everyone to post to your Facebook wall, I certainly encourage watchful moderation. It is very easy to reset this to your preferred method, and it is found under the “Manage Permissions” section. This is also where you may set your default landing tab (not changed), block profanity or other specific words.

Facebook Page Permissions
Facebook Page Permissions

Facebook Page Default Landing Tab

This is a feature that I know a lot of people have feared would be eliminated completely, but the option still exists (as it should). The old version of “tabs” went away, but the functionality is the same, and each former tab is now represented on the left side of the page.

If you have previously set a default landing tab, it will still be there. I know that gave a lot of marketers and developers a huge sigh of relief.

It appears that the selection of a default landing tab no longer allows for distinguishing between new and existing users. From what I have seen, it seems that it has not changed from any previous settings which were made. However, one concern would be if existing users who “Like” your page were forced to click an extra time to get from your default landing page to the wall. For example: The settings I have previously used will direct new visitors to a nice welcoming tab, but direct existing users who already “Like” the page straight to the wall. This is a commonly used setting for Facebook Pages.

My pages each appear to work just as they were previously set up, but it may not be the same when adding new pages. I say this because the setting for existing “fans” versus new visitors has disappeared in the new layout.

Of course, if you are handy with FBML (Facebook Markup Language), you can create a Static FBML page landing page but then add Wall contents limited by with the “fb:visible-to-connection” function. That just means people would all land on the same page, but existing users would see something different from new users. This is just good information to know, but as it is, I have not added a new page for testing since the change. So, for all I know, I am just seeing “grandfathered” settings. Either way, we geeks can still have fun with our FBML and can work our way around nearly anything.

Change Facebook Page Category

You may now change your Facebook Page category. This is an added feature that many people have asked for. Something that will surely surprise a lot of Facebook Page administrators is that the category you chose for your page when you set it up is gone. I noticed this in each of the many pages I manage. Not a single page still reflected the category it was set up with. Although, it may be stored behind the scenes and just didn’t show up in the new settings, it is definitely worth resetting your page’s category.

Facebook Page Category Selection
Facebook Page Category Selection

Facebook Page Featured Likes

This can be a great setting for any company with multiple Facebook Pages, or for companies who want to help promote friends or partnerships. In the instance pictured below, I have set the pages for my books and my wife’s cakes and confections company as my aWebGuy Facebook Page “Featured Likes”. What happens here is that up to five pages you select as your “Featured Likes” will always be displayed, while any others will be displayed in rotation.

Similar to featured likes, you may also feature page owners, so that people can put a name and face with the person or people behind the brand.

Facebook Page Featured Likes
Facebook Page Featured Likes

Editing Your Facebook Page Settings: Summary

I know that a lot of people feel pretty inconvenienced to have to edit their Facebook page. Let’s face it though, when it is your business involved, it is worth the attention.

Facebook has made it very easy to find the editing functions, and it is mostly pretty straightforward. Just look for the “Edit Page” button and be sure that you click on every section. It is better to fix it now than to fix it later.

I hope to read your comments about which settings and functions you like or dislike about the new Facebook Page.

Here is That Extra Time You Asked For

Your Extra Time, Ladies and Gentlemen
Your Extra Time, Ladies and Gentlemen

I am excited to hear from you if you can relate to this. Have you ever had somebody ask you to do something and use the phrase “when you have some extra time”? It may be just fine if a friend says that, while asking you to go and do something fun. When it attacks your profession, there is a line to be drawn.

I get this “extra time” concept thrown my way almost every day. I am not joking or exaggerating about this. I know that a lot of other professional service people get this, too. It is hard for a lot of people to understand that when your product is knowledge or time, it still has a cost.

Yes, even those intangible things like rubbing brain cells together to create a spark, blowing on it, and turning it into a flame actually have a real and measurable cost. So, how can we deal with this, and make it understandable to people who think there is some magical “extra time” laying around to hand out for free?

It seems apparent that old sayings like “time is money”, “you get what you pay for”, and “time is our most valuable resource” have outlived their usefulness. They have become as clichĂ© as a passing stranger asking “how are you doing?” They don’t really want to know how you are doing when they utter that. Try it out the next time you hear it, and give them a big earful and you will see what I mean. People often overlook respect for other peoples’ time with a similar disregard.

I suppose that free time can be a touchy subject for a lot of people, but not for me. I am going to share my responses when people slip me this sort of “give me free stuff” proposition. If you are a professional who deals with this, I hope it will help you to manage your time. If you are a time-beggar, I hope this will help you to be more understanding and respectful the next time this absurdity begins to spew forth from the vile and disrespectful hole between your lips.

Defending Your Extra Time

If you are ever faced with similar matters of requests for your free time, think about what else you could be doing with it. These are just a handful of thoughts which stomp loudly through my head when people ask me to provide professional services in my extra time:

You Want My WHAT?
You Want My WHAT?

Extra Time? My Kids Would Love That! – When I am asked for my extra time, the first thing that comes to my mind is how much my wife and kids would really love it if I had some extra time to share with them.

Have You Tried This at a Restaurant? – I imagine it like this: “Hey waitress, when you have some extra food back there in the kitchen, can you do me a favor, please? In return, I will send my hair stylist in to see you, and I am sure he will make up for all of the free food I gobble while I keep you from earning your tips. He is a great guy, and I am on my way to see him for a free haircut as soon as I leave here.”

Doctor, My Toe Hurts!“I know that you usually charge people for this, and you have huge liability and licensing in the balance, but since we are not in the office, could you do this one as a freebie?”

I Want a Free Car, Too! – This is funny for me, because I have had car dealers offer to trade me very nice cars for my work. This always reminds me to say: “You want my extra time, but you would like it for free? Let me think about that and get back to you when I have something really large with which to hit you over the head.”

Motorcycle! – See the 47 second video … Enough said.

Misconceptions About “Extra Time” Are Worse in Some Industries

I realize that in some industries, the lines are a bit more blurred than others. In my job role, I find that a lot of people want me to simply “look it over” and to give them a “quick estimate”. Although it may not seem to be a big deal, performing marketing asset reviews and building marketing strategies puts food on my table. It is not just the act of implementing what I know that I am paid for, but also the research and strategy.

Researching, planning, and “looking it over” are things which most people expect to pay for in the accounting, legal, medical, and many other fields. Those of us in the marketing industry are also paid for that time we spend doing the things you may imagine to be “quick and easy” for us. Otherwise, it would be common for us to waste enormous amounts of our time writing boilerplate marketing plans for people who are not serious enough about their business to do what they really should be doing. Worse yet, if we provide a plan and you decide to try and implement it yourself or have an inferior marketing person do it for you, we look stupid for a plan that failed but could have succeeded with abundance.

Drunken Sailor Coming Through!

Semi-Pro Marketing
Semi-Pro Marketing
I could really go crazy with some drunken sailor language on this topic, because in my world it is easy to see it as theft of my goods. It is hard to describe my struggle to be diplomatic about this. Any shred of diplomacy I display comes to me because I understand how people may view this from the outside. After all, the vast number of semi-professionals on the fringe of the marketing industry make it appear so “salesy” and like marketing people are all begging people for their money. It creates an absurd illusion that marketing people earn more money for themselves than they earn for their clients.

The reality is that for true marketing professionals, our time is worth just as much as that iPhone you are holding, that car you are driving, or that house you live in. You see, this is because our time and knowledge is what we earn our living with. We don’t sell items … we help other people to sell items. Our job is to earn more money for our clients.

If I had some extra time, wouldn’t it make sense that I would use that “extra time” to work harder and to sell it at its fair market value? Yes, that’s right … that is exactly what I would do. So, here you go:

Dear Friend:

I appreciate your show of confidence by asking me to look at your business and give you recommendations to make it more marketable. I would be delighted to write you a researched marketing plan and proposal free of charge … if it was free for me, too. You see, my time and knowledge is what I earn money with, just like a shoe store uses shoes to make money.

This is my extra time, right now. I am using it to write this blog so that more people will know who I am, respect the value of my time, and pay me money for that extra time I had laying around.


Mark Aaron Murnahan

All of my extra time is gone. If I find any more, I will use it to further my business reach. Fortunately, you also receive a benefit from it, because I am providing you with a constantly growing blog archive to teach you things that you can put to use in your extra time.

If you want some of my time to help you decide if it is worth paying for, I have already used that time, too. I used it to build a fantastic reputation, and an exemplary work history.

Whether this reaches you as a person who earns a living with your time and knowledge, or a person on the other side, I hope I have helped you see things a bit differently. I have tried my best to express consideration for both parties, and I hope you will do the same.

Thank you for your time.

Big Ben photo credit to peterpearson via Flickr

“How Much Does SEO Cost?” is The Wrong Question

The Cost of SEO
The Cost of SEO

If you are in a customer-facing job role, you have surely heard the common question of “how much does it cost?” Many of us hear it long before questions of value even come into consideration, and it seems especially common in SEO (search engine optimization).

I consider the “how much does it cost” shopping approach a very worthwhile reason to scream at somebody and demean them. I usually try to hold back that urge, but it is definitely scream-worthy. I have very often answered it by hanging up the phone. That is because I take it as an indication that the person asking will only see a dollar amount and not what it represents.

When it comes to SEO (search engine optimization), “how much does it cost” is absolutely the wrong question to open discussions. I will explain why the cost of SEO is far down the list of things which will matter, and whether you are on the buying side or selling side of SEO, this should be useful to you. I will also explain why the question of how much the SEO will cost is not only a moving target, but also ways to determine an appropriate cost.

First, consider this: The topic struck me when I see how often my wife, Chef and Owner of Mad Eliza’s Cakes and Confections, answers burning questions about the cost of wedding cake. It happens very often that a bride-to-be will ask how much her wedding cake will cost, before even having a good idea of the design or even how many guests it needs to feed. I find a lot of people shop for SEO the same way. From now on, you will know better!

The SEO Cost Should Be Based on the Need

There is no practical way of answering questions of the cost of SEO until the variable of need is addressed. Assessing the need for SEO should be based on client goals and accurate marketing projections. To get to the right number, you must have a good fix on the overall market potential, and how much market share can be reasonably expected at a given level of action.

This is not rocket surgery, but it does require more than just guesswork. A good projection will be based on multiple variables, but a good start is to know how many people are looking for what you offer.

If you are not clear on how many people are looking for you, and what they are looking for, close estimates can be made using tools such as SpyFu, WordTracker, and Google’s keyword tool. These tools can help you find out how many people are searching for what you offer, and provide a glimpse of the overall market potential.

More useful information on this topic is available in the article titled “Improve SEO Return on Investment (ROI) With Simple Math“.

The Point of Diminishing SEO Returns

It is possible to overestimate your efforts and do more SEO than you need. I have never seen it happen in real life, but the theory makes sense. If you are spending more money on SEO than the potential for your entire market, there is a point where it would be wasteful. However, the ugly monkey which stares many people in the face is that in the beginning, most SEO efforts will cost more than they return. So, this brings up the point of how far you can see into your future.

Short-Term SEO Cost vs. Increased SEO ROI Later

Let’s look at this with a bit of logic. There is no return on investment (ROI) at the point when you write the first check for SEO. Having short term (30, 60, and 90 day) goals is important for most companies. When more effort is focused on short term SEO goals than long term goals, the expected overall ROI is lowered. There is a balancing point which is important to reach.

If you need to meet short term objectives in order to produce cashflow to achieve longer term goals, the end cost will generally be higher. This is because you are overemphasizing the short term objectives just to pay for the higher return long term goals.

Where SEO Cost Goes Off The Rails

While I was writing this article, I was distracted by the ding of a message coming from the live chat on my contact page. It was from a really nice guy named Eric, and here is how the chat went:

[11:04] Eric: Hi Mark I’m interested in asking you about some of your services if you have a few minutes
[11:04] murnahan: Sure.
[11:05] murnahan: You are welcome to ring me if you prefer. My direct line is *REDACTED DUE TO AGING WEBSITE* or my Skype username is “murnahan”.
[11:05] Eric: I came across your site researching SEO tips and first off, great information. I’m trying to gain an understanding of SEO, and it’s obviously very in-depth. I’m a vey tech savvy person but not really on the “up and up” for SEO. Anyway, I manage a national moving company, and we’re looking to increase our search traffic. What type of services do you offer that you think could help us out?
[11:07] murnahan: There are a lot of answers to that question, but perhaps the best one is this: I can make your company more attractive, somewhere along the lines of sex and bacon.
[11:08] Eric: Hm. I do like both of those things
[11:08] murnahan: When you make your company more attractive, the word spreads, and you get bigger pay checks.
[11:08] murnahan: See what I mean … most people do! LOL
[11:08] Eric: I would actually like to speak with you. can I call now?
[11:09] murnahan: sure … my ears are on.

Well, Eric called me and we spoke for a while. It was a good talk, and I listened to what his company does, and where they hope to go with it. As we talked, I was thinking … I do that a lot. One of my first thoughts was how important it is for a moving company to gain people’s confidence. I have heard a lot of nightmares about how moving companies break stuff, steal stuff, and scam people out of extra money once they have your stuff in their trucks. In fact, I have a friend who is in a lawsuit against his mover right now.

Eric asked me if I had any ideas on how I could help his company. Although this is the exact stuff I am paid to do, I thought I’d at least let him know I was listening and thinking. I discussed a few ideas with Eric about how we could make his moving company a little more sex and bacon-like.

Since his company has complete access to people’s stuff, I suggested that overcoming the potential customers’ fears about movers would be an important step to increasing their business. Of course, this is only one piece of a larger strategy, but a critical one.

I told Eric I thought it would be really neat for them to walk into each job and hang a half dozen IP cameras on the walls and provide customers a website login in case they want to look in on the progress. Then I pointed out that the cost of an 8 gigabyte SD card is under 30 bucks, and it may be cool to hand people a complete video record of their move when he hands them their bill. Not only could this set them apart as a more trustworthy company, it could also be a nice benefit for people to document all of their belongings for insurance purposes. It would provide customers with greater confidence, and give them something valuable, all at once.

OK, so it may cost a few bucks. It could easily have a one-time cost a thousand bucks or more per truck for wireless cameras and a laptop with a built-in Internet connection. That is not bad, considering it is a tiny fraction of the cost of a tractor trailer and other moving equipment. It would take them an extra 10-20 minutes (of a 4-6 hour job) to hang some stick-on hooks to place the cameras, and $30 for an SD card. The technology part would be a breeze, for me. Heck, I did a 6,000 mile live mobile webcast from a race car. This one would be a no-brainer, and the moving guys would only have to know how to turn on a laptop and click a “start” button.

Can you imagine how much that relatively small extra effort could pay them with customer confidence? Can you imagine what would happen if major tech blogs picked up the story of their success in using technology to overcome real-world trust barriers? It could make a nice press release for tech bloggers, television, and more. Can you imagine how that could affect their SEO?

How Much Does SEO Cost Now?

I never worked with a moving company, and this idea sprouted up fresh from a short conversation during a free consultation. It gets even better if Eric pays me for my ideas. Eric didn’t call to ask me about the cost of SEO. He asked the right questions, centered around value and calculated return on investment.

When he asked me about how much SEO would cost, it was more about how much he needs to beg, borrow, and steal to get the results that he wants for his company. He understands that good marketing is what makes companies bigger, and that bad SEO can cost a lot more than good SEO. That is a whole lot different than simply fearing the cost of SEO.

Get the SEO Questions Right

If you know the right questions to ask about SEO, you will have a lot better results. It will help you to avoid being taken advantage of by SEO lies, and to realize why SEO is a lot more than just technical geeky work.

I have always said that coffee and cigarettes are the best SEO and social media marketing tools. If that sounds crazy, please be sure to see this video explaining why I know it is true.

My Answers About “How Much Does SEO Cost”

Every search engine optimizer will have a different answer about the cost of SEO services. Some of them will be right, and some of them will be woefully wrong. We each work differently, and each have different skill sets and levels of marketing talent. In my case, I require a sizable investment, and I am not a good match for most companies. I prefer to only work with two to four clients at a time, and my projects come with a three to twelve month commitment. That should pretty well explain why I don’t do SEO for dog walkers.

Something important to consider is that until the other important questions are answered, the matter of cost will always be incorrect. This is simply not a commodity business, and everybody will have different needs and expectations. Throwing around dollar amounts is a waste of time if the purchaser and the provider do not fully understand each other, and the job at hand.

I want to leave you with these thoughts regarding the cost of SEO from my perspective:

  • Yes, I have a family of five, and each of them like to eat every day.
  • Yes, I do own a motorcycle that cost more than my first two houses, combined.
  • Yes, that is a real Picasso hanging in my living room (pictured above).
  • Yes, it will cost you a lot more than the money in my hand to get my attention.
  • Yes, my clients always earn more profit from my work than I do!
  • Yes, I will probably scream at you and hang up the phone if you call me to ask “how much does SEO cost?”
Some search engine optimizers will promise 1,000 links to your website and first page ranking in Google for $300. Isn’t that search engine optimizer a great deal?

Now, please answer me … do you really think that it is the same thing wherever you go?

Here are some related articles I have written regarding the cost of SEO and placing cost above value. I hope you will enjoy them.

Google Apps Store: A New Surprise from Google Chrome 9

Google Chrome Web Store
Google Chrome Web Store

As a dedicated web geek, I have been a huge fan of the Google Chrome browser since the earliest beta release, and I consider it the only browser for surfing, while all the others are just there for testing new websites for things like stylesheets.

If you use Google Chrome, perhaps you have recently noticed something different when you opened a new tab. If you use the default settings for opening a new tab, you will be greeted with Google Chrome Web Store and a couple of suggested apps. Although it is not new (about a year old), the presentation of Google Chrome Web Store in the default new tab is new to Google Chrome 9.

I recall hearing many complaints about the lack of applications for Google Chrome when it first launched. A lot has changed since that time, and today there are roughly a squillion add-ons to make the browsing experience more “Firefox-like”. The updates in the newly released version 9 show that Google is really at the top of their game.

Here is a screenshot of how Google Chrome Web Store was presented to me, just a moment ago (click for larger view).

Google Chrome Web Store in Google Chrome New Tab
Google Chrome Web Store in Google Chrome New Tab

Since I normally have nice big thumbnail images with links to my most used websites, this really reached out and grabbed my attention. I suspect that I am not the only one, and this could create a huge surge for developers.

Will Google Chrome Web Store Be a Hit?

Google Chrome usage is constantly on the rise, and many of the available add-ons for the browser are quite helpful. If I was trying to promote a web application, I would certainly not overlook the Google Chrome Web Store for another minute!

If you are a developer, or you have an application to launch, this may be the best link you will find all day: Google Apps Developer Program: Getting Started

What do you think?