This all begs the question of how your blog will come across to those potential customers. If you look at your blog like it is a sales representative, would it be the sleazy representative you hired and later regret the decision; the representative who makes people’s eyelids heavy and need a nap; or the sharp and clever representative who makes up your top percentile of volume producers? This really all depends on the person or people behind the blog. If you stop looking at it like a “thing” and start looking at it like your top sales representative, it can make a big difference.
Make no mistake! Blogging can create massive exposure to a company, and drive huge success, but it can also fail miserably without a great plan, clever branding, and fantastic content. If you look at it with the potential of becoming your top sales representative, it takes on a whole new feel, doesn’t it? Shouldn’t the people behind the blog have the skills of a master, and not just anybody you can find to produce it for the lowest cost? Really, this is your business front … shouldn’t you take that pretty seriously?
You should have a plan, and I mean a serious strategy to get what you want. What does this mean for you? For me, it means constantly trying to help people with great ideas, branding myself with a touch of snarky humor, and producing enough fantastic content that some of you will say “this guy really knows his stuff and I’ll bet he could help me sell a lot more if I pay him.”
That is my example … but what about you? Here are some questions to ask about whomever you will trust with your online business front. If it is you, these questions become even more challenging, and you should try to be very honest with yourself.
- Do you know what readers want?
- Do you understand the technology, psychology, mathematics, and creativity necessary to get what you want?
- Can you produce the brilliant content it takes to stand out among thousands of worldwide competitors?
- Are you able to amass enough readers that you can mathematically predict how many will become customers?
- Do you understand the numbers and use them to optimally further your growth?
- Can you defend your company’s position against naysayers?
- Is online marketing your real job, or it is just another thing you feel you have to do?
- Could somebody else do it better, and if so, will they work for you or for your competition?
The list can go on, but this should be enough to think about for now. Take inventory of these things and consider how you stack up. Is the best sales representative on the job?

Do you know how to harness the value of what people want, and how to spread it to the masses? If not, I know a web guy who is for hire, and that can help you with a better call to action.
Blogs Are Not Created Equal
All blogs are not created equal, and they are as different as the people behind them. Some will create amazing success, and some will be miserable failures. Remembering this and recognizing the marketing talent and creativity of the people behind the blog as the reason for success is important. It can save you a whole lot of time and money to do it right, and not just do it like everybody else.